SFist Meets Harold McGee

SFist Meets Harold McGee

I stepped outside of the norm for my biweekly In the Kitchen column on SFist. Today, I profiled Harold McGee, author of the seminal On Food and Cooking. I consider this the essential book for a modern kitchen, and I was happy to meet the author.

- Gastronomica Turns 10
Gastronomica is where food meets culture and the arts. It is not a cooking magazine and it might not even make you hungry, but it will certainly feed your brain and your senses. It's deep and provocative, not something mindless to skim through in...

- Farina: Restaurant Review
My review of a relatively new Italian restaurant in the Mission district, called Farina is up over at SF Station. Aside from a few rough spots, I liked the place and will go again. I had a good meal of mostly Ligurian style focaccia and pastas with...

- Harold Mcgee's Blog
A great moment for cooking geeks everywhere. Harold McGee has a blog. His On Food and Cooking is one of the few books that I believe should be on every cook's shelf, so I'll be adding this one to my RSS reader. Thanks to Tana for mentioning it...

- Back In The Kitchen
The SFist test kitchen fires were dormant during September, but now that we're back, I've resumed my biweekly column. Today's entry: Pan Sauces 101. ...

- Wineparty On Sfist
"It's Tuesday on SFist, and you know what that means, right? Yes you, in the back, waving your arms frantically?" "You're off a week. Your In the Kitchen column is every other week now." "Oh. Good point. Uh... No, wait! I did write for SFist...

