Seeing Green

Seeing Green

Despite a serious lack of rainfall, our garden is actually growing!

The tomato plants are flowering, and the (not shown) cucumbers, as well

Hot peppers, too

It's just possible that this leafy green thing will give us watermelons!

We went a bit mad with the basil this year...with a few of these

Some purple basil, because...come on; it's purple!

The photo's not great; but we also managed to get a couple of African basil plants going, too

Chives! I love chives.

We also planted lots and lots of mint. Can't recall which kind this is...possibly the chocolate.

or maybe Moroccan?

Apple mint...who knew there were so many kinds?

Even blackberry mint; wow.

And good ol' spearmint

Oooh; dill. This will be useful.

Wait! More mint...lime?

I can't wait for the first tomato...yum. Now if only this rain would stick around a few more days...

Tagged with: Food & Drink + Gardening + Herbs + Vegetables

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