Revisiting an Old Friend

Revisiting an Old Friend

It has been a very long time. At least a year.

More than a year since we've made risotto? How can this be?

Well, with an ounce of saffron kicking around, it was time to correct that.

Risotto is one of Matt's specialties, so I'll let him step in.

Bring a pot of stock to a simmer, and set a small dish with a healthy pinch of saffron and a few tablespoons of cream near it so that it warms up. Sautee finely diced onion, bay leaves, and a little thyme and garlic in olive oil until the onion is translucent. Throw in two cups of arborio and continue to cook until the grains are heated through and becoming translucent themselves. A cup at a time (or less), add a cup and a half of white wine and as much stock as necessary (ultimately running through 7-8 cups of liquid altogether), stirring constantly, letting the liquid cook down almost completely before adding more. When the rice is tender and creamy, mix in the saffron cream, remove from heat, and mix in a half cup or so of freshly grated Parmesan.

Blog Party#11 is here, and this month, it's all about the guys. We're turning our little cocktail party into a Manly affair, so make your favorite guy's favorite appetizers and drinks, and join the fun! Blog Party entries links can be left in the comments of any post (they'll show up in my in-box), or you can send an email to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com; they're due Thursday, 15 June...early is always appreciated, and be sure to swing back Saturday, 17 June for the party itself. Let's see how many of our favorite male food bloggers we can get to show up, and I do hope to see you all there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Rice + Risotto + Saffron + Italian

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