Resembling Paella

Resembling Paella

Right. It's just like Ina's recipe for Seafood Paella.

Except, where she used lobster, I used chicken (or Veat). She used chicken stock (home-made, no less), I used vegetable.

Her recipe calls for kielbasa. I used chorizo in Matt's, and Boca Italian 'sausages' for mine.

Ina adds a bit of her favorite flavor in the whole wide world, fennel aka licorice, in the form of Pernod. I used white wine.

Ina added peas to her dish. I...forgot!

But, if you ignore all that, it is very much the same recipe in that it resembles Paella.

Whatever it looks like, whatever went into it, it was awfully good. I know because it disappeared rather quickly from the refrigerator...

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Rice + Cookbooks + Ina Garten + Chorizo + Recipes + Paella

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