Persimmon Dream Terrine Recipe

Persimmon Dream Terrine Recipe

When fall comes around I am always looking for new things make with persimmons. I have great recipes for persimmon bread, persimmon cookies, and I even like to just scoop persimmon over vanilla ice cream. Looking for a new way to use persimmon was the inspiration for this terrine, my entry in Is My Blog Burning? Terrine edition.

Terrine is one of those words that has become associated with what is made in it. A terrine is just a kind of loaf pan, but usually when you hear "terrine" it refers to pate. Not always but often. Another example is "casserole". I can't think of any others but I'm sure there are plenty.

I have to admit, this was not an entirely successful project. Because my household consists of two people creating a regular sized terrine seemed like way too much food. Some recipes for ice cream terrines I saw used unconscionable amounts of ice cream! Five pints supposedly makes a terrine serving ten people. So I used a mini loaf pan. This made layering a little tougher I think. The biggest lesson I learned is that you have to fill your terrine up very, very full, or it comes out crookes. See picture! Also allowing each layer to completely freeze would probably allow for cleaner neater lines. This was my first attempt at a terrine, so I think it came out acceptably. On the plus side, it was tasty!

Persimmon Dream Terrine
Serves about 6


2 pints high quality vanilla ice cream (you won't need all of it)
1 soft persimmon
1-2 cups whipped cream
a 3 cup terrine or mini loaf pan


Soften the ice cream. Put a layer of plastic wrap in the terrine. Place a layer of ice cream into the terrine, flattening it and filling the terrine up to 1/3 full. Freeze for several hours, preferably overnight. Gently fold the whipped cream with the persimmon pulp. Layer this on top of the ice cream, smooth the top and freeze, overnight if possible. Top with ice cream and freeze until firm. Loosen the terrine by turning upside down and pour cool water over it. Slice and serve two slices per serving.


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