Pasta Mania?

Pasta Mania?

I mean, really: who NEEDS 9 different kinds of pasta?

UH, ME, ME!! WO-HOO! Over here! *waving like crazy*! I DO!!

Just in case you wanted to know, they are, from left to right, top to bottom:

Penne Rigate - Galletti - Fusili - Tortiglioni

Spaghetti - Tripoline - Puntalette (the little bag on top) - Fusili Longhi Bucati - Lasagna Larga Doppia Riccia

- as if that's not enough, I've actually got several bags of some of the varieties - enough to bring me to the grand total of 15 WHOLE bags! And two half full bags... and a jar... And it's not like it's just the pasta - there's also these - remember? I just can't help myself with all those shiny bags, bottles and jars at the supermarket, in the specialist shop, at the green grocers...

"My name is Zarah. I'm a stockpiling-oholic." There, I said it, it's out in the open. Whew!;-)

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