Passover on the web, a food blog round-up

Passover on the web, a food blog round-up

This year Passover seems to have slipped under the food blogger radar. Two years ago there were lots of moving posts that I linked to from many prominent food blogs. You can check out those posts at Eggbeater, the Amateur Gourmet and Tasting Menu...This year the pickings were awfully slim, but there were some good ones nonetheless. Ok, the posts just keep coming, maybe we were just off to a slow start?

Here are the 2007 Passover food blog posts:

Ronnie at Around the Table prepared a Passover seder for 31 people and mades a memorable dish called Tsimmes. Coming along for the first time was her high school friend, Christine, who was moved by the experience and almost wished she were Jewish, for the day anyway. She blogs about the experience at Around the Table.

Ariela at Baking and Books made an Ethiopian dish for Passover. Head over to her post to learn more about the Ethiopian Jewish connection. Don't skip the racy bits!

What do you put on matzoh? Emzeegee and the hungry three has answers including the classic butter and salt and some other toppings that turn matzoh into breakfast, lunch and even dessert.

The Chocolate Lady of In Mol Araan shares her 2007 Vegetarian Peysekh Survival Guide which includes recipe for Bananaless Wakbt Banana Cake, Very Nice Potatoes and more.

Lydia at a Perfect Pantry made some matzah brei, a traditional breakfast dish that's kind of like Jewish french toast. Of all the Passover dishes, matzah brei is one of the best ways to make matzah tasty.

Ed at Serious Eats shared a hilarious Japanese video that shows how to cut matzah in half. Would I make this up?

Catherine at Albion Cooks made a vegetarian matzoh ball soup. It's a favorite comfort food and one of the tastiest dumplings your will ever eat.

Carolyn at 18th Century Cuisine shared a French recipe for biscotins. It may be an old recipe but it was new to me.

Gluten-free By the Bay shared a huge list of gluten-free Kosher for Passover recipes. Some of these look like year-round winners. I never thought of using quinoa during the holiday.

Teddy at Help! I Have A Fire In My Kitchen has been posting about Passover all week long. You'll find lots of recipes and even a video.

If I missed your food blog post, feel free to put a link to it in the comments section.

Tomorrow I share some recipes for sweet treats including Toffee Matzoh Crunch!


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