Passover & Easter

Passover & Easter

Passover begins Wednesday evening, and that presents some dietary challenges for those of us observing the holiday. Here is a selection of recipes from the Cooking with Amy archives that are kosher for Passover:

Fig Tapenade

Spinach Salad

Creamy Beet Soup

Roasted Baby Artichokes

Gremolata Chicken

Toffee Chocolate Matzah Crunch

Cinnamon Balls (use kosher for Passover powdered sugar or omit it)

You can also read my post all about Passover from last year.
Passover 2005

Over at the Dannon Kitchen is my latest post and a recipe Lamb for Easter


- Passover Sweet Potato Gnocchi Recipe
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- Passover On The Web, A Food Blog Round-up
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- Keeping Kosher For Passover
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- Pesach For The Rest Of Us
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- Passover 2005
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