OWF News: Book Reviews

OWF News: Book Reviews

Regular readers have no doubt noticed the increased number of book reviews, a trend which is likely to continue. To make it easy to find past reviews, I've added a "Book Reviews" pop-up on the right, just under the "Favorite Posts" pop-up.

- Read All About It
Welcome new readers! Today I woke up to discover this blog had been mentioned in two places--at Elise's web site Simply Recipes and also at the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. I have to say, it is awfully nice to be noticed. This blog is almost...

Posts of the Week returns! Here are some of my favorites this week. First off, In Praise of Sardines takes on the existence of sardines once and for all with a thoughtful well-researched post. Tigers and Strawberries reviews a book about the history...

- San Francisco Food Lover's Guide: Review
You might have noticed all my caveats about the Zagat Survey the other day. I have none to report for the fourth edition of Patricia Unterman's San Francisco Food Lover's Guide. As the last edition did, this one shall sit right next to the Zagat...

- About
Hi! I'm Amy Sherman, a San Francisco–based cookbook author, food writer and recipe developer. I launched the blog, Cooking with Amy, in June of 2003. Not long after it was chosen one of the top five food blogs by Forbes and also singled out by...

- Farewell Phil
It was bittersweet day in my office. Phil, who you've come to know a little through his Monday cookie reviews, has moved on to bigger and better things - retirement! He has many interests outside of work, so I know he will put his new-found spare...

