O, Kumquat Ye Faithful

O, Kumquat Ye Faithful

Photo by Melissa Schneider.
I already used "Little. Orange. Different" for my SFist post about kumquats, so I had to come up with some new and even more horrendous pun for OWF. See Melissa's stylish photos and my ideas for using these small citrus fruits.

- All About Kumquats
Meet the latest object of my affection. Cute aren't they? But wait until you bite into them! They bite right back. If you like the tang of lemons and limes and sometimes find the sweetness of oranges a little cloying you're going to love kumquats....

- Risotto On Sfist
Photo by Melissa Schneider. When Melissa and I first started dating, risotto was my main dish. I still make it often, and I decided to write a risotto tutorial for SFist this week. Let me know what you think....

- Simple Summer Supper
Photo by Melissa Schneider. In my latest piece for SFist, I urge readers to get out to the farmer's markets, and offer a small assortment of ideas for the produce they might bring home....

- Oysters On Sfist: Heroes On The Half Shell
Photo by Melissa Schneider. With all the holiday madness, I worried I wouldn't have time to cook anything for SFist. Fortunately, we passed by the Hog Island Oyster stall. Read my post on SFist to get a mini shucking tutorial....

- Today, I Speak Mandarin
Photo by Melissa Schneider. I ate tons of mandarins while I was growing up. My family had an orange farm with a mandarin tree, and I would eat myself sick on the fruits as soon as they appeared. I didn't manage to work that into the first-person...

