Not (Really) About Food: Source Code for MFH Raffle Program

Not (Really) About Food: Source Code for MFH Raffle Program

If you want to make sure I'm not rigging the Menu For Hope raffle, you can see the source code for the raffle program here. As I say in that post, pulling a random name from the list isn't hard; parsing the comments everyone left, however, proved challenging, though my program did a better job than I expected.

- Upping The Ante--it's The Bomb!
Only 6 tickets have been purchased for the "Cozy Comforts" prize (code UW30), so I'm upping the ante. I'm adding several more must-have items for your Winter getaway--a mini Tiger Balm sports rub for sore muscles, a Natural Ice SPF 15 lip balm,...

- Menu For Hope & Cozy Comforts Prize
Once a year more food and wine bloggers than you even knew existed offer up prizes that their readers win through a raffle with the proceeds going to charity. For every $10 donated, you earn one virtual raffle ticket to bid on a prize of your choice....

- Announcements: Menu For Hope, Classes
Menu For Hope Each year, food and wine bloggers around the world contribute their time and money to feeding the hungry through an event called Menu For Hope. It raises significant amounts of money for the United Nations World Food Programme. And you...

- Menu For Hope Iii: Some Simple Math
If you're one of the few people who read this food blog and no others, then you may have missed the announcement for this year's edition of Menu For Hope, an annual raffle organized by Pim in which bloggers and other notables contribute prizes...

- Paging Karen Paik
Pim has announced the winners of the Menu for Hope II raffle, which raised just over $17,000 for victims of the recent Kashmir earthquake. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this amazing drive, and thanks to Pim and her elves who sorted through...

