Announcements: Menu for Hope, Classes

Announcements: Menu for Hope, Classes

Menu For Hope
Each year, food and wine bloggers around the world contribute their time and money to feeding the hungry through an event called Menu For Hope. It raises significant amounts of money for the United Nations World Food Programme.

And you can be a part of it. Menu For Hope is a worldwide raffle, and each $10 raffle ticket purchased through December 25 translates directly into funds that help feed people in need. Each $10 raffle ticket also gives you the chance to win one of many kick-ass prizes: dinner for two at the top-notch Bay Area restaurant Manresa, a SousVide Supreme, or a weeklong vacation in Tuscany. There are approximately one zillion prizes to bid on, all donated by the community of food bloggers. You could even buy a ticket (or 20) as Christmas presents. Slip them into stockings on Christmas Eve, and the people on your Nice list could end up with incredible gifts.

If you haven't entered yet, you can use this form to pick your prizes and make your donation.

Melissa and I were lame this year and didn't get our act together to assemble a prize. True, I donate my time for the raffle itself, which means that I can point you to the raffle but can't bid myself (as the person who spends a couple of days cleaning data before the program runs, let me again point you to this form for choosing your tickets). But just because you can't bid on our offering shouldn't stop you from bidding on all the great prizes my fellow food bloggers have contributed.

UCB Classes
While you should buy lots of Menu For Hope tickets as presents, you may want to also give something more concrete. How about a seat in one of my UCB Extension wine classes? I think that would make an awesome gift for a friend, family member, or even yourself.

I'm teaching two classes this semester. One is my normal Fundamentals of Wine Studies II, where I teach students how to describe wine in detail. The other is Wines of Germany and Eastern Europe, which is about … Well, I guess that one's more obvious.

- Menu For Hope & Cozy Comforts Prize
Once a year more food and wine bloggers than you even knew existed offer up prizes that their readers win through a raffle with the proceeds going to charity. For every $10 donated, you earn one virtual raffle ticket to bid on a prize of your choice....

- Menu For Hope/mocha Me Happy!
Today is the launch of the third annual Menu for Hope. This time around we will be raising funds to support the United Nations World Food Programme. Food and Wine bloggers all over the world are donating prizes for you to win in a raffle. My contribution?...

- Menu For Hope Ii
I'm very proud to join other food bloggers in raising both awareness and money for the earthquake victims of Northern India and Pakistan, by taking part in Menu for Hope II. I'm pleased to offer two different prizes for the event; one very popular,...

- Menu For Hope Approaches
Menu For Hope, the end-of-year food blogger charity drive started by Pim, is about to start. Bloggers around the world contribute gifts, and everyone buys raffle tickets for the prizes they’d like to win. The money — over $60,000 last year...

- Menu For Hope Ii: Raffle To Help Kashmir Victims
Some of you may remember Pim's Menu for Hope fundraiser from last year, when she organized a few food bloggers to urge their readers to donate money for victims of 2004's massive tsunami. How sad to make this an annual tradition. But natural...

