Menu For Hope II: Raffle to Help Kashmir Victims

Menu For Hope II: Raffle to Help Kashmir Victims

Some of you may remember Pim's Menu for Hope fundraiser from last year, when she organized a few food bloggers to urge their readers to donate money for victims of 2004's massive tsunami.

How sad to make this an annual tradition. But natural disasters continue to happen, and good wishes alone don't help the victims. Pim has organized a second Menu for Hope to aid those affected by the Kashmir earthquake. This year, she's set up a raffle. Some of your favorite food bloggers have donated prizes, and you can buy a single ticket for just $5. There are some fantastic opportunities on that list (are we eligible to win, Pim? I wouldn't mind a gift certificate to Manresa!). You can—and should—buy more than one ticket to increase your odds. Remember, all the money goes straight to those who need it. And unlike most raffles, you can pick and choose the prizes you might win. As you donate, leave a comment mentioning which drawing you'd like to enter. Pim's site has the full list of options, and more keep coming.

I'm offering a subscription to The Art of Eating. As most of you know, I consider Ed Behr's quarterly to be the best food and wine magazine around. You simply won't find a more thoughtful or better-informed publication, and I for one really like Ed's style of writing (and editing). Here's your chance to win a subscription and see for yourself. Go to the First Giving site, enter a donation, and win a chance for a raffle ticket. Remember, the more tickets you buy, the better your chances.

- One Last Pitch!
Today is the last day! And we are just a hair under $15,000 in our Unicef fundraising effort for the victims of the earthquake in the Kashmir region. All donations are fully tax-deductible. Won't you please consider donating? It's the perfect...

- Menu For Hope Ii
Not quite a year ago, in the wake of the tsumami, food bloggers around the world got together to raise money for relief. This year we are raising funds to support the victims of the devastating earthquake in the Kashmir region of India and Pakistan....

- Menu For Hope Ii
I'm very proud to join other food bloggers in raising both awareness and money for the earthquake victims of Northern India and Pakistan, by taking part in Menu for Hope II. I'm pleased to offer two different prizes for the event; one very popular,...

- Announcements: Menu For Hope, Classes
Menu For Hope Each year, food and wine bloggers around the world contribute their time and money to feeding the hungry through an event called Menu For Hope. It raises significant amounts of money for the United Nations World Food Programme. And you...

- Paging Karen Paik
Pim has announced the winners of the Menu for Hope II raffle, which raised just over $17,000 for victims of the recent Kashmir earthquake. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this amazing drive, and thanks to Pim and her elves who sorted through...

