News from around the Web

News from around the Web

Australian and New Zealand cheese lovers are gaining some support for raw-milk cheeses.

The Food Standards Australia New Zealand is proposing new regulations which would allow raw-milk imports on very hard cheeses, as well as the production of raw-milk cheeses within the country.

Compared to the former very restrictive regulations, this is at least progress.

The full article.

The SF Chronicle has released its list of the <best California wines of 2002, for those interested

And while I have written before of the harvest problems in Barolo, Austria, and the Languedoc, there is good news from other parts of the world. The Pacific Northwest looks to be having a good year, as does Alsace.

- Cheese From The Winter Fancy Food Show 2014
There is a lot of cheese at the Fancy Food Show! I wait until the last day to indulge and I try to focus on the cheeses that are new or new to me. Here are some of note:  I always make a point of checking out the cheeses at Fresca Italia. The standout...

- Grana Padano
For as long as I can remember I've heard that Parmigiano Reggiano was the king of cheeses. It's the cheese I ate in Italy and cooked with as well. It's the cheese I always buy. I knew about Grana Padano, but believed it was inferior to Parmigiano....

- Organic Milk
When I was growing up my parents raised chickens. We had fresh organic eggs even during the most lean times. We ate a lot of eggs and sold the rest to neighbors for a dollar a dozen, as I recall. The yolks of the eggs were thick and orange colored, and...

- Clips, Clips, Everywhere Clips
Melissa and I are still traveling, enjoying New Zealand wine and food before heading to Australia, but we're in a hotel with a wireless Internet connection; I've caught up on the Internet. The whole thing. I've had some articles appear like...

- New York Times On Rbst
Jack sent me the link to this New York Times article about the issues surrounding rBST, a growth hormone used to boost milk production in cattle. Consumers have begun to shy away from milk with this hormone, even though the FDA has found no health issues...

