My Kitchen, The First Installment

My Kitchen, The First Installment

Try, try again.

So, here's my kitchen. Or, some of it, anyway.

A few weeks ago, Celeste of Chopstick Cinema invited me to join other food bloggers and 'show off' my kitchen.

I thought it was a great idea, but was I horrified! My kitchen is never (completely) clean at any one time. But hey, I can show it too you in stages, right?

Here we go:

One half of the most important cupboards in my kitchen; the one holding my baking supplies.

The other half, just as important. There's a certain amount of overflow into the laundry room...cookie cutters, cake decorating supplies (Wilton and I are good friends); but this is the every day stuff.

Above it we keep our Torani syrups, wines and liqueurs.

Like everyone else, we too suffer from toomuchstuffitis, leading to notenoughstorage-syndrome. Hence, the top 'o shelf display.

Confession time: we're a bit tea-obsessed over here.

Snack cupboard. I couldn't tell you how old some of that stuff is...

Here we keep canned legumes, specialty foods, and oil, vinegars, and flavorings.


My wonderful husband. He put these shelves up because...well; isn't it clear I need them?

Hope to show sink/stove/etc soon...

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