Morocco is calling...

Morocco is calling...

Now that we have our tagine, we're making plans for more Moroccan dishes.

One of the things we noticed was how many recipes call for preserved lemons. Ha, ha...that's a good one. Odds are, most people in the States won't have a jar of preserved lemons sitting in their pantry. We certainly didn't.

Until now.

Using a recipe found in the Paula Wolfert cookbook, Couscous and other Good Food from Morocco, I just went ahead and did it the other night.
Lemons, quartered almost the whole way (leaving about a 1/2 inch intact), salted, and put into a salted mason jar. Squish lemons in (that part's fun). Add spices, if you wish...I did: coriander, peppercorns, cloves and a cinnamon stick (it also called for bay leaves, but we'd recently run out and shopping day was still ahead). If the juices don't cover the lemons, squeeze fresh lemon juice (never store-bought) over lemons, and seal. Shake once daily for thirty days. They'll keep for a year.

So, now, I wait. And shake!

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