More Like Fort Knox

More Like Fort Knox

My Mom has thousands of recipes. I'm not talking about cookbook recipes; actually, she never really had many cookbooks.

No, my Mom has papers and cards filled with recipes. Some are quite old. And I couldn't even begin to comment as to their organization.

But I can tell you this: you'd have a better chance of breaking into a secret, black ops lab and stealing weapons-grade plutonium than getting my mother to give up, say, her sugar cookie recipe.

Although she has promised her collection (in triplicate, I hope) to my sisters and me when she dies!

But someone out there has taken the time to scan and post all his Mom's old and tattered recipe cards.

My grandparents have a similar collection. When I was quite small, I decided their recipes needed organizing. So, I pain-stakingly glued recipe cards and newspaper clippings to my green, lined-so-you-learn-to-write-in-cursive school paper; page after page. Stapled together, and given with love and pride.

You know, my grandmother still has that...

Recipe card link courtesy of Pop Culture Junk Mail.

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