More Food Blogs

More Food Blogs

The wonderful thing about surfing food web sites is you get to be an armchair traveller. There are many places I would love to go and visiting certain sites, blogs in particular, gives me a window into those places and what life there, especially culinary life, is like.

Late last Fall I discovered Chocolate and Zucchini. An unlikely pairing perhaps, but it reflects the adventurous side of a culinary enthusiast who approaches cooking and eating out with equal zest. Clotilde shares her experiences and adventures with a passion that makes you want to go along for the ride. Clotilde is a Parisian chocolate lover and very brave when it comes to trying out new and challenging recipes. I already shared her delight in French cuisine, now I get to live vicariously through reading about her culinary exploits.

Just a few weeks ago I came upon another interesting site this one from Asia, that has captured my imagination. Like Clothide, Renee posts entirely in English and takes wonderful digital photos of her culinary discoveries and creations. Her stories lately have been about the Lunar New Year celebration and the accompanying food of Singapore. Reading along at Shiokadelicious you experience the sights, sounds and tastes of Singapore. Shiok, Renee explains means "fantastic, marvelous, an exclamation of enjoyment" and the site is nothing if not an honest expression of the love for all things culinary. I particularly like Renee's stories about her family and her retelling of traditions and legends that relate to food.

Both sites, like mine, include recipes and additional details on food preparation as well as restaurant reviews for those of you looking for practical information. Check them out!

Shiokadelicious is no longer online

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