Mondays with Maida - Texas Cowboy Bars

Mondays with Maida - Texas Cowboy Bars

Page 112 in the old book / page 150 in the new book

Now we're talking! These cookies have an obscene amount of butter in them, but there were just wonderful... thick, gooey, moist, ... delicious!

A crumbly oatmeal mixture, which is used for both the base and the crumb topping, is interrupted by a sweet, jam-like date layer with a lovely lemon finish. While size-wise these bars don't at first appear intimidating (24 bars from a 9-inch pan), by weight they are massive. After sampling one, I packed the box with the remaining bars, lifted the box to move it, and was shocked at it's weight. For fun I put it on the scale - 3 1/2 pounds!!!

I love these cookies just as they are, but am very tempted to try cutting back on the butter. The recipe currently calls for 2 sticks (8 ounces) of butter and I'm willing to bet that you could leave out half a stick of butter and it wouldn't be missed. The filling for these cookies was fantastic - one of those things where you can't stop licking the spoon. The addition of lemon rind is a surprising (and delicious) twist.

Everyone enjoyed these - even one coworker who dislikes walnuts and is not fond of dates - and the panel was no exception...

Suzanne: "Delicious! The date filling made this bar moist and the filling almost tasted like chocolate to me. This was a great combination of oatmeal, walnuts, and date filling. Rating - 4.9"

Denny: "Excellent, just sweet enough and crunchy. If they had chocolate I'd give them a 5. So, only a 4.5. Rating - 4.5"

Laura: "Yummy, crunchy, nutty, chewy - Fabulous! Rating - 4.0"

Phil: "Bet you can't have just one. While a substantial cookie, the combination of ingredients punctuated by date filling really worked for this taster. Rating - 4.7"

Overall rating by the panel - 4.5

Next week - Honey Date-Nut Bars

Nutrition Facts

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