Mondays with Maida - Supremes

Mondays with Maida - Supremes

Page 86 in the old book / page 129 in the new book

These cookies have a crumbly oatmeal walnut base, a sweet chocolate middle, and more of the oatmeal mixture on top, as well as an added sprinkling of walnuts. They're good, but too sweet for my taste.

This recipe, as do a number of Maida Heatter's cookie recipes, calls for instant coffee. On the other occasions when I've used it, I couldn't identify the flavor in the finished cookie and just presumed it added to the overall effect. In these cookies, though, I felt there was a harsh (instant) coffee flavor that even rose above the excessive sweetness. No one else commented on it, so it may not have been noticeable to anyone but me.

I didn't get Phils comments before he left on vacation, but the opinions of the rest of the panel varied widely...

Suzanne: "I'll be on a sugar high all day. The cookie was extremely sweet. So sweet, that I found it hard to eat. Rating - 2.0"

Denny: "Best Oatmeal cookies ever! Really. Rating - 5.0"

Laura: "Tasty... but not sure how well I care for the combination of the oatmeal/walnut with the chocolate. Rating - 3.0"

Overall rating by the panel - 3.3

Next week - Dark Rocky Roads

Nutrition Facts

- Mondays With Maida - Light Rocky Roads
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- Norman Rockwell's Oatmeal Wafers
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