Mondays with Maida - Light Rocky Roads

Mondays with Maida - Light Rocky Roads

Page 90 in the old book / page 134 in the new book

Light Rocky Roads consist of a thin brown sugar cookie with nuts (I used walnuts) topped much like the Dark Rocky Roads with marshmallow, chocolate, and more nuts. The Light Rocky Roads have a thinner layer of marshmallow than the Dark Rocky Roads, which I preferred. I also preferred the consistency of the marshmallow, which was a little gooier - probably because I let it go a little too long in the oven.

For some reason I had this idea before making these that the base would be crisp and almost sugary, but it was not. Neither was it cakey or chewy - maybe crumbly best describes it. I didn't think the base added much at all to these cookies. If sometime in the future I found myself wanting a Rocky Road, I'd probably use the brownie base from the Dark Rocky Roads and the topping (a thinner layer of marshmallow and chocolate rather than chocolate icing) from these.

The reviews were sort of a mixed bag for Light Rocky Roads...

Suzanne: "Don't be fooled by the word "Light". This cookie (brownie) was sweeter than the "Dark" Rocky Road cookie. Rating - 3.0"

Denny: "Very good and awfully chocolatey. Rating - 4.0"

Laura: "Tasty, yummy, gooey - Delicious! Rating - 4.0"

Phil: "A strange combination of textures and flavors which tasted a bit like a tollhouse cookie with marshmallow on top. Esthetically not particularly enticing and a bit too sugary even for this sweet tooth. For Rocky Road adventurers stay on the dark side. Rating - 3.3"

Overall rating by the panel - 3.6

Next week - Butterscotch Brownies

Nutrition Facts

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