Mondays with Maida - Greenwich Village Brownies

Mondays with Maida - Greenwich Village Brownies

Page 75 in the old book / page 123 in the new book

The brownies this week are truly over the top - 6 ounces of chocolate, 8 ounces of butter, 6 eggs, 3 cups of sugar plus some corn syrup for good measure, and 3 cups of pecans! Care to hazard a guess as to the number of calories in one brownie?

These brownies are made in a 10 1/2 x 15 1/2 inch jelly-roll pan, so it is a much bigger batch than last week, but the number of brownies isn't much greater - 24 last week versus 32 this week. I was rattling off the ingredients to someone in my office and they put it quite succinctly, "Wow, that's a meal." I found that half a brownie was more than enough at one sitting, so I'd recommend that you cut them smaller than suggested in the recipe.

The corn syrup creates very dense and chewy brownies, which Maida describes as being "almost like chocolate caramels". These went over extremely well in my office, but there were at least a couple of us (including me) that preferred the more traditional texture of last week's brownies.

These were a little more trouble than the other two brownies so far, but not much. The cake takes a little longer to cool and then must be chilled before cutting. After the cake had cooled to room temperature, I put it in the freezer for about 30 minutes and had no trouble cutting it.

There was a wider range of scores this week, the texture and type of nuts figured into the decision...

Suzanne: "These were the best brownies I've ever had. They are chewy and not cakey like last week's. As I was eating the brownie, I couldn't stop saying "hum" since they were so delicious. We are definitely into my element now -- chocolate, nuts and lots of sugar. They don't call me sweet Sue for nothing. Rating - 5+"

Denny: "Very good, like the big pecans but too moist. I thought they might be spiked with that name. Rating - 4.2"

Laura: "Tasty & yummy - you can never go wrong with chocolate! (I learned however, that while I like pecans in other goodies, I don't care for them in my brownies.) Rating - 3.0"

Phil: "A truly decadent brownie - rich fudge like chocolate, dense, moist with just the right mix of pecan chunks. Particularly suited for beatnicks, hippies, and free spirits everywhere. Rating - 5.0"

Overall rating by the panel - 4.3

Next week - Cream-Cheese Brownies

Nutrition Facts

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