Mondays with Maida - All-American Brownies

Mondays with Maida - All-American Brownies

Page 74 in the old book / page 120 in the new book

You know that saying, "less is more"? It has never been more deliciously proven than with these brownies. The recipe for this week's cookie is just a slight variation of last week's Petites Trianons. It is identical, except that it calls for half a cup of flour (as compared to a cup of flour in the Petites Trianons) and has some walnuts thrown in.

With that half cup of flour left out, these brownies become moist and fudgy. One might even think that they have more chocolate in them, but no... it's just that they have less flour.

The technique for these is the same as for the Petites Trianons: melt the butter and chocolate in a saucepan over low heat and then stir in the other ingredients. Couldn't be simpler!

For a while it looked like these brownies were going to get a perfect 5.0. They didn't, but they came mighty close...

Suzanne: "Great! This was the perfect brownie. Rating - 5.0"

Denny: "Should be renamed to Totally Awesome All-American Brownies. What a wonderful country. Rating - 5.0"

Laura: "Moist, chewy, yummy, & chocolatey. Absolutely DELICIOUS! Rating - 5.0"

Phil: "Shiny outer coating, moist fudgy innards tempered by the occasional chunk of walnut. While cookie reviewers are subject to strict rules of confidentiality, audible sighs of pleasure could be heard wafting from the cubes. Rating - 4.8"

Overall rating by the panel - 4.95

Next week - Greenwich Village Brownies

Nutrition Facts

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