Mondays with Maida - Georgia Pecan Bars

Mondays with Maida - Georgia Pecan Bars

Page 108 in the old book / page 149 in the new book

I'm a sucker for anything resembling pecan pie, and this cookie certainly qualifies on that count. I particularly liked these Georgia Pecan Bars because, like my mom's pecan pie, they're not overly sweet. The pecan flavor is what you notice first, rather than a gooey sweet filling.

Unlike similar cookies, the base for these cookies is not prebaked. As a result, it has a softer, more crumbly texture and is less distinct from the topping. The base is sweetened with dark brown sugar, which also serves to unify the base and topping flavorwise.

I have not yet replaced my 13x9 pan, but I did better this time in adjusting the temperature and timing to accomodate the dark pan I have. Rather than lining only the bottom of the pan with foil as instructed, I decided to line the whole pan. I prefer to lift the finished cake out rather than risk destruction by dumping it out. I buttered the foil all over and then tried my best to just dust the bottom with bread crumbs. After pressing the crust into the pan, I used a paper towel to wipe off most of the stray bread crumbs on the sides.

Here's the panel...

Suzanne: "Well, I don't think it was worth going off of my diet for this pecan bar. It looked like a small pecan pie (in bar shape) but did not have the sweetness of a pecan pie. It was missing the richness of pecan pie. Rating - 3.0"

Denny: "Very good and crunchy. Rating - 4.0"

Laura: "Pecan "Pie" in a bar cookie - Yummy!! Rating - 4.0"

Phil: "For joy, the march of Maida's bar cookies continues. Golden brown, moist yet firm texture, and pecan pie sweet. Makes one take a breath after a couple of bites. P.S. Disregard whatever Denny says this week. His attention has been totally diverted to his cherished home team's (Pittsburgh) participation in the upcoming super bowl game. Spotted him testing out a black cape to evaluate at what "running" speed it would start to billow... Rating - 4.8"

Overall rating by the panel - 4.0

Next week - Pecan Festival Bars

Nutrition Facts

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