Mondays with Maida - Florida Cream-Cheese Squares

Mondays with Maida - Florida Cream-Cheese Squares

Page 93 in the old book / page 136 in the new book

You know, the whole time I was making these and up until just a few minutes ago, I was thinking they were the cookies Niki had made a month or so ago. Since my cookie dough came out crumbly and hers didn't I was going to talk about that (I figured it had to do with my butter being cold and possibly hers wasn't). Then I went back to that post and saw how thick and creamy her filling looked and got a little envious. Then I saw in her post she was talking about using oats and... Hey, there are no oats in this cookie!

Well, turns out the cookies Niki made are the Florida Lemon Squares (they're next week), but both cookies are assembled in a similar fashion. A crumbly mixture is pressed into the pan, then a lemony filling is placed over that, and then more of the crumbly mixture is sprinkled over the top. These were good, but not great. The filling is nice and tangy with lots of lemon flavor, but the cookie base is not very interesting and just so-so.

Nobody got too excited about these one way or another. These cookies were clearly just average...

Suzanne: "This cookie was almost as lemony as a lemon meringue pie. The nutty topping was crunchy and crumbly. This would be a good cookie to eat with a cup of hot tea. Rating - 3.0"

Denny: "My expectations went up when I heard their name. They went down with my first bite. I'd rate them about 3 because they were sweet and a little crunchy. I thought they were fairly non-descript with too little cream cheese. More cream cheese and nuts would easily make them a 4. Rating - 3.0"

Laura: "Lemony & Yummy! Rating - 4.0"

Phil: "A good reminder that one can (should) not live on chocolate alone. Not quite key lime pie puckerable but these citrus flavored cheese squares sandwiched between slightly crusty, sugary, nutty layers make for an interesting mix. Rating - 4.1"

Overall rating by the panel - 3.5

Next week - Florida Lemon Squares

Nutrition Facts

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