Melissa on Flickr

Melissa on Flickr

As I noted in my anniversary card to Melissa, she has taken most of the photos that appear on this blog. As she's gotten better, she occasionally grumbles about which photos I choose to post and which don't make the final cut. Plus, I may be obsessed with food, but Melissa snaps pics of all sorts of things.

So now you can get more great photos of our food and lives at her flickr page. Soon I'll get organized and set up Technorati tags that correspond to her flickr tags, and hopefully she and I will sync our posts so that I can say things like "For more photos, click here", but for now I'm just pointing you at her photos. It's brand-new, so there aren't a lot of photos there yet, but more will come soon enough. Drop by and say hi and welcome her to the photoblogging universe.

- Favorite Things:moo Cards
Have you seen these? They are mini cards you can make from your own photos. On the reverse side you can have any text printed you like, space permitting. I used some of my favorite food photos that are loaded up at flickr, and made them into business...

- Food Bloggers Picnic
Instead of the usual "Posts of the Week", I hope you'll enjoy a taste of today's picnic. For more posts: Bay Area Bites 101 Cookbooks Becks & Posh Bunrabs I'm Mad and I Eat Life's A Picnic Dessert First Jennifer Jeffrey Eggbeater keep...

- Dealing With My Issues
Picture-posting issues, that is! The past couple of days, I've been unable to view the photos I've posted. Several posts are rather dependent on the photos, so until 'things' are fixed, I'll just twiddle my thumbs......

- Gourmet Survivor Ii: The Results
The exit polls have been taken, the votes have been counted, the dust has settled, and the winner of Gourmet Survivor is... William and Jason! Congratulations to you both! That, I think, is the best possible outcome. One of the hardest parts of this...

- Seriously? Seriously.
Cupcakes for a friend of mine's wedding, back in August. The living room served as assembly station - there was A LOT of cupcakes, I'm telling ya! I used a recipe from my trusted source, Chockylit - the one here. I'm joining NaBloPoMo. Why?...

