Like a Fashion Model: Pretty to Look at, but Nothing Going on Inside

Like a Fashion Model: Pretty to Look at, but Nothing Going on Inside

While shopping, I was drawn to the two Easter-candy laden tables near the check out counters. Shiny paper. Pretty colors. Can't resist.

I mostly grabbed candy for Alex and Matt's Easter baskets, but then I saw a small box of chocolates, colorfully-wrapped squares. Somehow, it ended up in our basket. And as Matt always says, if it's in the basket, what can you do but buy it?

I so rarely eat chocolate. Heck, I rarely want chocolate. But there's always that 'must-have' moment, so it's good to keep some around.

I had one of those moments not long ago, so I broke into my box of Lake Champlain Chocolates.

The first square was milk chocolate, and it was decent. Not eye-openingly amazing, but a nice, sweet flavor. The next bite was dark. And...I almost thought I was eating nothing. I mean, there was no flavor. No deep, intense chocolate. Nuthin'. It could have been edible plastic, except I think the plastic may have tasted better!

I guess the lesson here is to never judge a chocolate by it's wrapper, eh?

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Chocolate + Gourmet + Sweets + Shopping

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