Lady of the Bagel: A quest begins

Lady of the Bagel: A quest begins

I need to bring lunch to school almost on an everyday basis. While I'm a big fan of a nice salad, I'm very much a bread person as well - no Atkins for me here! I just cannot fathom that anyone would like to live without a daily dose of wheat!

Anyways - I figured out that one of the breads that could be somewhat easily made, and not go too stale on me - and a type of bread I really like as well - drumroll please: a bagel! So I'm trying out a couple of different recipes at the moment - will hopefully get the ring-making technique down during the quest - no comments on the half split bagel there!;-)

- Zojirushi 1lb Loaf Mini Breadmaker: Favorite Things
You probably think you know what this is. Right now are you saying to yourself, "those are a couple of slices of bread" or if you're really in the know, "that's bread made in a bread machine because of the little indentation in the slices." And...

- Dining With The Bloggers - September 28th
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- What I Ate
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- On Bread Baking Mojo
.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flickr-yourcomment { }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Walnut breadsHow many bread bibles is it legal for one woman to own? Considering...

- Dining With The Bloggers - February 9th.
It's dinner-time! Or rather, it's baking time this time around, as Cathy's done a couple of rolls and a toaster oat bread, and I tried my hand at TinyFork's Bialys. I had no idea what Bialys was - I'm not even sure I do now I've...

