Killing time? Worth a look.

Killing time? Worth a look.

My uncle sent this to me; watermelon and fruit carvings.

I don't think I've seen anything quite so amazing!

- The Perfect Fruit: Book Review
Have you ever noticed how the perfect fruit demands your attention? A run of the mill apple or banana is fine, benign even. But really spectacular fruit grabs you and doesn't let go. I hope everyone has the amazing experience of fresh, intensely...

- Just My Size
Last week the "personal watermelons" were on sale at my grocery store, so I decided to see what all the fuss was about. The personal watermelon is a seedless watermelon that is about the size of a cantaloupe. I live alone, so the size is perfect for...

- You Know You're Living In The South When...
you can grow watermelon in your garden! This is just so...neat!...

- Next Year, Kill Your Own Turkey
Melissa's friend Novella has a nice piece at about killing the turkeys she raised at her Berkeley home last year. I believe that everyone who makes the choice to eat meat should, at least once, do the slaughter himself or herself to understand...

- No Summer Without Watermelon
Salad of Watermelon, Feta and Toasted Pumpkin Seeds If you haven't tried this one yet, you really should - I know, the combination sounds a little odd, but it really, truly works - I promise! My - well, recipe would be a very fancy word for what...

