Next Year, Kill Your Own Turkey

Next Year, Kill Your Own Turkey

Melissa's friend Novella has a nice piece at about killing the turkeys she raised at her Berkeley home last year. I believe that everyone who makes the choice to eat meat should, at least once, do the slaughter himself or herself to understand that choice at a deep level. On the other hand, I doubt that our neighbors would appreciate a chicken farm in our living room. But once we have a yard, I want to raise rabbits or chickens.

- The River Cottage Meat Book
In some ways, this is one of the easiest reviews I’ve done: If you cook meat, buy The River Cottage Meat Book. Author Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall engages and entertains the reader with solid information about meat cookery, sustainable farming, and...

- Humanity Is King
Another Humane Society press release alerted me that Burger King will commit to buying humanely raised animals for its restaurants. The sheer scale of the Burger King chain prevents it from switching over every animal product to a humane alternative,...

- Peta Documents Butterball Cruelty
I've participated in various online debates about foie gras, and someone always asks, "Why don't animal rights groups pick on the rest of the meat industry?" But they do. You just never hear about these other campaigns in mainstream...

- Book Review: The Omnivore's Dilemma
Michael Pollan has a new book out. Have you heard? The Omnivore's Dilemma has hit bookstore shelves just as America's concern about food issues has unfurled like a bullwhip, a slow wave of defiance building to a snap at agribusiness's throat....

- Heritage Foods Usa
I've written before about Heritage Turkeys (see Thanksgiving '02—though I note the pictures for that aren't working—and Thanksgiving '03). The heritage breeds I've tried taste notably better than the Broad-Breasted White...

