Is there such a thing as too much rhubarb?

Is there such a thing as too much rhubarb?

The fancy version when using the rhubarb compote I've told you about before. This one is much more dark pink than the first of the season - I made this around the end of May. The one I made just yesterday was verging on purple... You gotta love the change of the seasons and the colors of the produce!

The other thing I tried with rhubarb is the Rhubarb Cornmeal Cake

- hitting the blogs this season! A Nigella "classic" I suppose you can call it, and the recipe has been put up by Angela, so I'm going to be lazy enough and just point you there. I loved it, it's easy to do and it keeps well. Only thing I'll add about it is DO PAY ATTENTION to her saying line your cake tin with paper! Look what happened to mine because I was too lazy...

That'll teach me! But at least I got 5 more minutes out in the sun, heh!

- Perfect Rhubarb Compote Recipe
There are rhubarb haters and rhubarb lovers. I'm a lover! I love the color of rhubarb and the gorgeous pink syrup you get when you cook it. Rhubarb, which we consider a fruit is actually a vegetable. It's high in vitamin C, potassium,...

- Growing To Like Rhubarb
Rhubarb conserve   When I was little, we had a rhubarb plant in our yard and my Mom would frequently prepare some sort of rhubarb sauce or compote.  It was the only dessert I didn’t like and it seemed unfair to me at the time that rhubarb...

- Shf#22: Can You Can? Rhubarb Cordial
Way back when I used to do a regularly scheduled blog, I ALWAYS took part in this brainchild of Jennifer, The Domestic Goddess - The Sugar High Fridays. Then stuff happened, I didn't blog much for a while and well, no SHF for me. Now I am blogging...

- Strawberry & Rhubarb Jam
It's that time of year where you just have to make stuff like this - at least you have to start experimenting so you'll have the perfect recipe for the bounty that is to come! And seeing I had a little rhubarb left over from last, and strawberries...

- Barbie, You Forgot Something!
She forgot her Rhubarb Compote with thick, fat Greek yoghurt and crumbled macaroons. Too bad for her, 'cause now there's none left!;-) The Greek yoghurt I bought at the local green grocer and the macaroons I bought in Irma. I'm not sure our...

