Barbie, you forgot something!

Barbie, you forgot something!

She forgot her Rhubarb Compote with thick, fat Greek yoghurt and crumbled macaroons. Too bad for her, 'cause now there's none left!;-)

The Greek yoghurt I bought at the local green grocer and the macaroons I bought in Irma. I'm not sure our macaroons would be the same as an English/American macaroon, they're not as chewy, but more along the lines of a meringue, yet no as airy... You get the idea? Anyways, they're just there for the textural crunch, so you could use anything, as long as it's crunchy and sweet. I love the rhubarb compote in a trifle too, layered with pillowy, soft, organic whipped cream and macaroons. But for the everyday version, I opt for yoghurt.

For the compote, I slice up my rhubarb, dump them in roasting tin (unfortunately, I didn't really have enough this time to justify using that one) and sprinkle with - umm, a lot of sugar, vanilla-scented if you have it. Sorry for the lack of specifications, but it really depends on the sourness of your rhubarb! You can always add more if necessary. Sprinkle away, and give it all a stir. Cover the tin with foil, and bake in a 200 C hot oven for 15-20 minutes. Taste the juice/syrup after 10 minutes - if it's not sweet enough, sprinkle with more sugar, then return to the oven. When it's done, drain the compote in a sieve, reserving the syrup. You can sweeten the syrup additionally, if you despite your best efforts didn't get the compote sweet enough. In a small saucepan, add sugar to the syrup, and on a medium high heat, let the sugar dissolve. Drizzle this on top of the compote when you serve it.

And don't forget to ask Barbie around - she loves this stuff :-)

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