Invitation to Brunch...

Invitation to Brunch...

Cath and I are co-hosting a new edition of Cookbook Spotlight on April 17 with Gale Gand’s new book.

You may remember from the last few Cookbook Spotlights that food bloggers select recipes from the same cookbook, make the dish, and blog about it. We follow with a round up of everyone's choices and pictures. It’s always fun and interesting to me to see what different people pick to cook or bake from the same book.

This go-round we’ve been offered a chance to cook from Gale’s new book, Gale Gand’s Brunch!

I have an extra book and would like to invite one reader to participate.

If you would like to join this food blogging event, please send me an email at thehappysorceress (AT) gmail (DOT) com with your snail mail address by noon EST on Friday, March 27. I’ll have Donegal randomly select one person to join us. If you don’t have a blog but would like to participate, I’ll be happy to post your blog entry here.

Look for the event on April 17 and the round up on April 20!

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