Interesting Articles

Interesting Articles

A slow week, since I'm enjoying the holidays, but here are two bits from the New York Times which I recently saw. Note that if you don't already have one, you'll need to set up a free account to read the articles.

The first (which Melissa pointed out to me) is all about the Straus Family Creamery, considered one of the very best creameries in the Bay Area, if not the country.

And the second describes a noticeable decrease in wine prices. A lot of the wine press has been predicting this for some time, but it looks like it's about to happen. Over-priced California wines are indicted as partial culprits; many wineries banked on more customers who would pay more than $100 for bottles of wine, which was probably fueled by the Internet boom.

- Organic Milk
When I was growing up my parents raised chickens. We had fresh organic eggs even during the most lean times. We ate a lot of eggs and sold the rest to neighbors for a dollar a dozen, as I recall. The yolks of the eggs were thick and orange colored, and...

- Keep Or Don't Keep: Magazines Worth Moving
So here it is: The final countdown (cue the Europe song). In two weeks, we will have no claim to our apartment; we will want nothing to do with our apartment. Ever again. Today, I culled magazines from my shelves in an attempt to reduce the amount of...

- Clips, Clips, Everywhere Clips
Melissa and I are still traveling, enjoying New Zealand wine and food before heading to Australia, but we're in a hotel with a wireless Internet connection; I've caught up on the Internet. The whole thing. I've had some articles appear like...

- Wtn: 1995 "pagani Vineyard", Ridge, Alicante
The average time between buying a bottle of wine and drinking it is surprisingly low. My friend Mark recently suggested forty-eight minutes, but I don't know if that was in jest or if he read it somewhere. Everyone agrees that, whatever the actual...

- Bandit
(guest photographer Tim Holmes) In 2002, California suffered a wine glut. Too many grapes, too much wine, too few buyers. The press were beside themselves, gleefully anticipating reduced prices on California wines and waggling fingers at producers...

