IMBB 9: Make that 35 Participants

IMBB 9: Make that 35 Participants

As I mentioned, there are a couple of late participants. I had to laugh as I started to write them up: Ginger and Elise were reading each other's minds. Also, LoveSicily's terrine now has pictures.

Simply Recipes' Eggplant and Red Pepper Terrine
Elise sent me her entry a mere hour after I posted the big wrap-up, so she almost squeaked in. But now she gets this post almost to herself. The layers in her terrine look thick and flavorful in the bottom picture. A big chunk of Brie adds a nice richness to her final dish, which she enrobed in a velvety tomato sauce.

Ginger's Vegetable and Cheese Terrine
I'm honored that Ginger, a friend and co-worker (also my manager, as it happens) and a world-class triathlete, decided to participate in this edition of Is My Blog Burning? Her terrine also features roasted eggplant and peppers in a surprising bit of synchronicity, though she adds zucchini and uses the more tangy goat cheese to create a terrine that probably tastes quite different from Elise's. I'm hoping some leftovers find their way into work. (edit: Ginger's pictures are up now, and well worth checking out)

- Is My Blog Burning?
Tomorrow is the seemingly monthly event, Is My Blog Burning? This time hosted by Derrick of the aptly named, Obsession with Food blog. You still have some time to whip up a terrine if you'd like to participate. This time around there is a new...

- Imbb 9 - Terrine For One
Today is the 9th edition of Is My Blog Burning. This time the host, Derrick of An Obsession with Food, has challenged us to create a terrine for the occasion. I decided early on that didn’t want to make a meat terrine or one with aspic, but I agonized...

- Imbb 9: Layers And Layers
I am thrilled to be hosting the latest edition of Is My Blog Burning?, the international culinary exhibition started by Alberto at Il Forno. If you haven't heard of this event, it's simple and ingenious. The host proposes a culinary theme and...

- Breakfast Of...uh...returning Champions
(guest photographer today: Winnie Kwong, whose other food photographs are worth a look as well) Here's something to ponder: who's crazier? Someone who wants to run a triathlon at the crack of dawn in a remote part of the Bay Area, or someone...

- Let Us Eat Cake
Terrine de Gateau For the third "Is My Blog Burning", Renee suggested the theme of cake. I envisioned something I was calling a "buche de printemps", a variant of the classic French dessert, the buche de Noel. I...

