How Slow Can You Go?

How Slow Can You Go?

What a delicious treat. Earlier this week I had the pleasure of attending a lecture by Slow Food founder Carlo Petrini. It was billed as an interview but it was more like an elaboration on a manifesto, a manifesto that has been put forth in the book Slow Food: A Case for Taste.

Carlo Petrini is funny, smart, provocative, and passionate in a way that only Italians can be. You may have read some of his writings (such as the aforementioned book) but if you ever get a chance to hear him speak, by all means do. For me it was all the more delectable to enjoy the lecture in Italian but kudos to Corby Kummer (author of The Pleasures of Slow Food) who did an excellent job translating.

Here are some of the points that Petrini touched on during the lecture:

Thanks to Wally of Wally's Food Company a supporter of the Slow Food movement for inviting me to the lecture. For information about joining a local Slow Food convivium, visit the website.

(note: I'm posting this early because I am taking tomorow off)

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