How Blogging Has Effected My Life

How Blogging Has Effected My Life

That, while sick, I think one of the worst things I have to deal with is the lack of post-able material!

Feeling blah, no interest in cooking or eating, therefore, no posts.

Oh, yeah...the coughing and achiness really stink, too.

- According To My Calculations...
I was shopping for dishwashing liquid the last week and they didn't have the size and type I wanted, so my eye wandered over to some other brands. I noticed one that claimed to be environment-friendly, so I picked it up and took a look at it's...

- Mondays With Maida - 24-karat Cookies
Page 50 in the old book / page 83 in the new book I swear it was an honest mistake. I forgot to give Phil his cookies this week. It had nothing to do with the fact that these were the worst cookies I've ever made from this book - bland and not at...

- Real-deal Tortilla Soup For Souper Sundays
I am such a bad food blogger. I made this soup three weeks ago. I had every intention of posting! ...And then I didn't. Ah, well. No time like the...blah blah blah. I've become such a fan of Serious Eats over the last year. I think a third of...

- Holiday Cookies
I hate being sick. Aside from the feeling like crap-ness of it all, you just don't get anything accomplished when you're sick. Matt came home the 17th not feeling well. By the next night, I was getting symptoms. And I've been sick ever...

- Striving For Perfection, With Panna Cotta & Pomegranates
A couple of weeks or so ago, a very wise woman told me something important. She told me that sometimes, you can get so afraid of not doing things perfectly, that you end up doing nothing at all. I never thought of this before. I like to believe that...

