Holiday Cookies

Holiday Cookies

I hate being sick. Aside from the feeling like crap-ness of it all, you just don't get anything accomplished when you're sick.

Matt came home the 17th not feeling well. By the next night, I was getting symptoms. And I've been sick ever since. It may well be the worst cold I've ever had (Alex got sick too, but it really doesn't seem to affect him the same as us...must be all that breastfeeding), and I'm still not fully recovered.

As a result, I did not get much baking done this year.

I knew I had to do something, so I stuck with my fail-safe recipes.

Around the tray are Chocolate Almond Biscotti...possibly the best batch I've made yet.

Starting from the left: Chocolate Rugelach, with a cinnamon, brown sugar, walnut and chocolate filling. Brandy Lace Cookies, made with Cognac and drizzled with semisweet chocolate. Mint Chocolate Snow-topped Cookies. For the last few years, I've been unable to find mint chocolate chips, but the Super Target had bags of Andes Candies baking pieces. And wow...did they smell good! Next, Kolachy, with either raspberry or apricot jelly. And last, Holly Berry Cookies, a recipe from my Aunt Kathy; one I've loved since I was a kid.

So, as you can see, not much this year, but everyone's been eating them. And going back for seconds, thirds and so on.

Next year, I'm starting a week earlier!

And no...I haven't eaten a single one. I knew you'd ask...

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