Hope for the Holidays

Hope for the Holidays

Hope for the Holidays
This week my parent's gardener showed up asking if he could do some work, because he needed money. And by the way, he asked, could he have something to eat? Not only did he not have work, he was hungry. My parents gave him some work and made him two sandwiches, one for now and one for later. They may not be rich, but they do have plenty to eat.

Imagine not having the energy to look for work because you haven't eaten anything. Imagine looking for work anyway. Imagine not having enough food to feed yourself or worse, your family.

In your own community, no matter where you live, there are people struggling to put food on the table. There is no greater gift than to help those in need. Are you looking for a last minute gift? How about making a donation to your local food bank in the name of a friend or family member? Or make a donation to the Menu for Hope and help someone to provide for their family in the coming year. It doesn't matter which prize you choose, because it's not really about the prizes.

A couple of months ago after my trip to General Mills I received a huge box of food--cans of soup, cereal, granola bars, coupons for yogurt and more. I packed it up and took it all to the food bank. I cannot tell you how it good it felt. I'm guessing your pantry, like mine, is full. If you can't give money, please consider giving food to a local food bank.

Here's hoping you and everyone around the world has a very happy and plentiful holiday.



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