Hey, Hey; It's Donna Hay #2: Macaroons

Hey, Hey; It's Donna Hay #2: Macaroons

I completely ran out of time for the first DH event, which is a pity. Everyone was making those self-frosting cupcakes, and I wanted to be a part of that! (I will get 'round to it, though.)

So when Glutton Rabbit specifically asked me to join the second round, how could I refuse?

This month, Donna Hay-wannabe's are putting their own creative spin on Donna's Lime Macaroons.

There's just one small problem; no one in my little family likes coconut!

Oh, well...lucky for me? My father-in-law is coming to dinner Wednesday night, so I'm sure to find a good home for the cookies!

I have to admit I've never actually eaten a macaroon...what with the coconut, and all. So when it was my turn to play with the recipe, I really had no idea what to do. Our challenge was to replace the lime zest with something else.

Oh, yeah...that helped.

I tossed a few ideas to Matt, and he suggested I use one of those bottles of flavoring I'd recently purchased, for candy making.

Good idea, but I don't think cotton candy-flavored macaroons would impress anyone.

I finally settled on raspberry. Once the cookies had cooled I dipped the bottoms in melted white chocolate tinted with pink color, and made macaroon sandwiches.

How do they taste? I have no idea. At least not until tomorrow...I can't get anyone around here to try them!

Tagged with
Food and Drink, Donna Hay, Baking, Events, Blogging

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