Happy Hearts to You

Happy Hearts to You

Cinnamon-Sugar Heart Pancakes

Hugs from my kitchen to yours...

We're going a bit crazy this month: Blog Party#31 is a Fried Food Frenzy!

You have till the end of February to get your fried finger food entries to me; hope to see you there.

- Blog Party#43: Spice It Up
The chill of February has definitely gotten to me. I'm cold. I'm tired of being cold. I want warmth...but it looks like the only place I can find that is in the kitchen! (I hereby apologize to my friends in the Southern hemisphere; I'd gladly...

- Daring Bakers: The French Bread Also Rises
I was determined to complete February's Daring Bakers challenge, as I missed the Lemon Meringue Pie from January. I had no idea what it would be, but when I discovered breadchick had declared it French bread-making time, I couldn't have been...

- Dinner For Teacher
Somehow or another, our conversations with Alex's teacher always turn to food and/or cooking. And somewhere in one of those conversations, I offered to make a dinner for her. One day last week, when Matt dropped Alex off for school, he also toted...

- Post-oscar Decadence
Of all the nominations, I've only seen...two?...of the films. Ratatouille and Michael Clayton. Which is probably a higher number than past years. We decided to have a sort of 'decadence' dinner. Nothing too fancy, just foods we really enjoy....

- Blog Party#31: Fried Food Frenzy!
Banner to Come There's a television advertisement, for insurance I think, with the tag line "Life comes at you fast". That could best sum up the past few weeks for me. How I could be looking at the middle of the month, and still not have posted February's...

