Happy Birthday, Puppies!

Happy Birthday, Puppies!

Last week marked the third birthdays of Donegal and Wicklow. Three years old!

We adopted both pups at the same time. They were even in side-by-side cages! I spotted Donegal, and knew I had to get her...she looked so much like my childhood dog, Buster.

Just then, the rolly-polly white pup in the next cage was plopped on the floor, to have his cage cleaned. I looked down past my extremely pregnant belly at this little fluff ball, and asked Matt to pick him up for me (no way was I going to try that). As soon as I had him, he snuggled against my neck. Heart? Melting...

I told Matt we were going to have to take both puppies. He thought I was kidding...shows what he knows.

Oddly, people have always asked if Donny and Wicklow were sister and brother. My knee-jerk reply was usually 'do you have eyes?'. I never actually say that, though.

They were born just a few days apart, but not from the same mother!


For their birthday, I baked them a cake (boxed, c'mon...it's for the dogs!), cut it into the shape of a bone, and covered it in peanut butter frosting.

Cut it in half, and handed it over to the pups.

Donegal, the piglet, devoured the whole thing. Wicklow picked at it. Oh, well.

Happy Birthday, my sweet, cuddly pups!

(I hope to put up their 'baby' photos later)

Don't forget; Blog Party#4: The Gang's All Here: The Holiday Edition is coming soon! There's no such thing as a too early submission! Entries can be left in link format here, in the comments, or you may email them to me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com.
Hope to see you there!

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