Happy Anniversary Dinner

Happy Anniversary Dinner

So, to celebrate our three years of Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam... oops, sorry; wedding flashbacks!...we dropped Alex off with his grandparent's (who were quite happy to have him), and went to Sitar, an Indian restaurant mere minutes from their house.

And for the very first time, I remembered to bring the camera!

It's a nice place, and as Matt pointed out, unlike our other choice for Indian food, we haven't worked out way through their entire menu yet.

Of course, before taking our order, we were given some very peppery papadums and chutneys.

As an appetizer, we got (in my own humble opinion) the best cheese pakoras around, with a tamarind chutney. These babies are perfect: crunchy batter, a bit salty, and fantastic cheese.

The pakoras were almost finished when I realized we'd yet to take a picture!

Now for the main dishes: Matt got the Boti Tikka Masala, and I had the Palak Aloo.

Matt enjoyed his lamb very much (not sure about details; he was too busy eating!), but my spinach-potato dish was quite lovely. Biting into it, the flavor was very mild...almost mellow. Nice consistency. Then...Bam!...a back-handed kick to the mouth. And I'd asked for the mild. Still, very tasty.

And what meal would be complete without bread?

A big, fat, puffy poori for me, and plain naan for Matt. All yummy.

We did the good thing, and skipped dessert.

I know, nothing spectacular, but I did get a short time out with my husband, alone...

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