Happy Anniversary, Melissa

Happy Anniversary, Melissa

Me and MTwo years ago today I married Melissa. We stood in Berkeley's Brazilian Room on a rainy day, and committed to a life together. Afterwards, we sat down to a fantastic meal and then left to eat and drink in France and Italy for two weeks. It was an appropriate celebration. Food has always been part of our relationship, from the risotti I'd make to impress her when we dated to my proposal at The French Laundry.

Melissa has always supported my interest in food, but it hasn't always been easy. I know many of you would love to have a spouse who cooks, but I didn't choose "obsession" randomly when I named this site. When I make dinner during the week, we eat hours later than anyone else because I can't cook anything quickly anymore. And when we finally do sit down, she's cleaned her plate by the time I finish writing notes about the wine. She wakes to the clatter and clang of pots and pans at 4a.m. when I make croissants or danishes for the brunches we host. And if you think I mention foie gras a lot on this blog, imagine being my wife as I spent a year researching the topic. I imagine it's tough to be married to someone with the hint of OCD common to most programmers, but Melissa is always understanding.

Perhaps Melissa's biggest show of support can be seen right here, a blog whose posts take time away from our lives and nets me little but a place to write. She's read every post, and she often makes suggestions for improvements. And while she's almost always provided the pictures for this site, lately she's sacrificed large chunks of her own time to take stunning photos. It took her an hour to get the picture of the wine and cheese that accompanies my IMBB entry. If the site nets me little, it nets her even less, but her contributions are more valuable than mine.

So I'm taking a break from my normal posting to tell an alarmingly large number of readers that I love my wife dearly. She is my greatest inspiration; I still try to impress her with every meal. She is my greatest spice; if food tastes better when tasted with friends, food tasted with someone you love tastes best of all. She is the person I always want to see on the other side of the table.

Thank you, Melissa. For your time, your love, your patience. My life would be worse off if you weren't in it.

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