Guilt-Inducing Plates

Guilt-Inducing Plates

Americans bombard each other with fear-inducing messages about food. Don't eat this. Don't eat that. This food causes cancer. That food gives you hives. Reporters exaggerate each new finding and smear it across the front page, to cries of shock and panic in the populace. No wonder so many people search for "food obsession" (and find their way here, which probably isn't what they meant).

But maybe it's not enough. Maybe you need to chastise yourself and your children while you eat, and the burlap sacks and scourges don't cut it anymore. Fear not! Check out these plates decorated with health information. Imagine the dinner conversations you'll have now. You can replace convivial suppertime banter with speculations about the disease and filth spreading through your body with each bite. As my friend Sabine said when I showed them to her, "those plates actually seem psychologically damaging."

Healthy eating: good. Constant fretting about nutritional minutiae: bad.

via boing boing

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