Golden Glass, June 2006

Golden Glass, June 2006

If only it was this empty
for the whole tasting.
Photo by Melissa Schneider.

I wish I imported wine. It seemed as if we couldn't get any of our favorite wines from the recent Golden Glass event, because none of them have U.S. importers.

Slow Food San Francisco puts on the event to showcase Italian wines. Jack & Joanne consider this their favorite tasting, and we found a large number of good wines. We didn't get to many of the tables: The press tasting was short, and when the public arrives the bumping and jostling frays our nerves. Also, at a Slow Food wine event, we run into a zillion people we know.

Other items of note at the tasting. Paul Bertolli was offering his Fra' Mani salumi, which, as Max has noted, don't move me. Hopefully they'll work out the kinks. Melissa loves Gelato Massimo

I don't write complicated notes for each wine; there's no time. I use a fairly basic ranking system: - for wines I dislike, nothing for wines that make no particular impression, + for good wines and * for my absolute favorites. Occasionally I use +/* to indicate a strong + or ~+ to indicate a wine that's almost a +. Here are the wines that warranted some form of positive mark. These are all subjective rankings: Your mileage may vary.



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