Free Movie Tickets!

Free Movie Tickets!

No Reservations movie poster

Are you heartbroken that you didn't win a book earlier this week? If so, I have a consolation prize. If you live near San Francisco and would like a sneak preview pass to see No Reservations (not be confused with the Anthony Bourdain TV series), I have 20 pairs of tickets to give away.

Sneak preview:
7:30 pm Tuesday July 24st @ AMC Metreon, 101 Fourth St, San Francisco

Because I only got the tickets today, I can send them to you if you email me your mailing address NOW! But don't delay or they won't get to you in time. Also you need to show up early if you want to get in, seating is limited and not guaranteed.

I have no idea if this movie is any good, but I did love the German film it was based on called Mostly Martha and Abigail Breslin was terrific in Little Miss Sunshine so I plan on checking it out. As one of my readers pointed out--Aaron Eckhardt gave a memorable performance in Thank You for Smoking . The only thing I remember seeing Catherine Zeta Jones in was Chicago.


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