Free extra virgin olive oil!

Free extra virgin olive oil!

That's right. Alejandro & Martin are offering gift boxes with a selection of four different 100 ml bottles of their extra virgin olive oils for free to a select audience, you! The oils come from Spain, Greece, Italy and California.

I haven't tried these oils yet but I have heard good things about them. If you want them, all you have to do is pay for shipping. Supplies are extremely limited so if you want in on this click here now. I've ordered mine and will let you know what I think once I've tried them. (by the way there is no financial incentive in this for me, I'm just sharing an offer that was made to me)

SORRY THIS PROMOTION IS NOW OVER! I hope you got a chance to order these oils, mine came in the mail today. The box has a wonderful guide to tasting olive oil as well as usage suggestions. Do check out their website when you get a chance if you missed out on this offer.


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