Free Cookbook!

Free Cookbook!

You may remember I was a recipe-tester for a cookbook some months ago.

Well, The Good Home Cookbook is out, and it is fantastic. Everything you'd ever want to make, it's in there. Wonderful book, and I'm not just saying that because my name is mentioned!

I had a lot of fun helping with this, it's from the great folks at Collector's Press...and I'd love for you enjoy it, too.

Which is why you need to visit The Good Home Cookbook blog, and get a copy of your very!

But, copies are limited, so act fast!

- The Good Home Cookbook: Giveaway!
Some time ago I mentioned that the publishers of The Good Home Cookbook were looking for recipe testers. In addition to getting a first crack at the recipes, testers also got their names in the book and a copy of the book. Now the book is out and for...

- Seeking Recipe Testers!
Have you ever wanted to be a recipe tester? You know, try out recipes and report back on how they turned out--what went wrong or what could be improved? I know I have. Well here's a great opportunity to do it. Next year Collectors Press is publishing...

- All About Apples:cookbook
How would you like a free cookbook? Ok, it's an electronic book, but it's really beautifully written and has gorgeous photographs. Unlike most cookbooks, this one is based on a single tasting menu--the only one I've ever seen that focuses...

- The Cookbook Exchange
I'm a cookbook junkie and I'll bet many of you are too. Books are probably my number one impulse buy, and more often than not they're cookbooks. I love going through a new cookbook from cover to cover for the first time. Problem is, once...

- Baked Doughnut Muffins
It is with a certain amount of shame that I must confess to you: this is only the first recipe from The Good Home Cookbook I've made! It's tragic, almost. After all, I was one of the happy housewife recipe-testers for the book (I think I eventually...

