Fizzy Fruit Responds

Fizzy Fruit Responds

You may remember my concerns about a product called Fizzy Fruit, where fruits are juiced up with carbon dioxide to make them fizzier and—according to the article—somewhat sweeter. Adam Lindemann, an investor and strategist/executive for the company, commented on my post. I'm always happy to share alternate views, and I don't know how many of you check comments on older posts, so I asked his permission to reprint his thoughts.

Here's Lindemann's comment, slightly revised for spelling, grammar, and punctuation at his request.

Hi, and thanks for mentioning Fizzy Fruit. I understand what you mean, but the thing with Fizzy Fruit is not that we are trying to stop kids eating regular fresh fruit: We are trying to give them an alternative to snack foods that are really tasty but empty in nutrition. Fizzy Fruit is not really sweeter than regular fruit. It is just more bubbly. All the nutrition of fresh fruit is kept in the fruit with no additives or preservatives. Indeed if you did not quite manage to finish your Fizzy Fruit and you put it in the fridge, it would just turn back into regular fresh fruit. Anyway, I hear your concerns and please know that we aim to be part of the solution and not the problem.

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